Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Prepper Wars
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Guess What...
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US State Department announced plans on Monday to promote online youth groups as a new and powerful way to fight crime, political oppression and terrorism.
Drawing inspiration from a movement against FARC rebels in Colombia, the State Department is joining forces with Facebook , Google, MTV, Howcast and others in New York City next week to get the "ball rolling."
It said 17 groups from South Africa , Britain and the Middle East which have an online presence like the "Million Voices Against the FARC" will attend a conference at Columbia University Law School from December 3-5.
Observers from seven organizations that do not have an online presence -- such as groups from Iraq and Afghanistan -- will attend. There will also be remote participants from Cuba.
They will forge an "Alliance of Youth Movement," said James Glassman, under secretary of state for public diplomacy.
"The idea is put all these people together, share best practices, produce a manual that will be accessible online and in print to any group that wants to build a youth empowerment organization to push back against violence and oppression around the world," he told reporters.
The conference will be streamed by MTV and Howcast, he said.
The list of organizations due to attend include the Burma Global Action Network, a human rights movement spurred into action by the ruling junta's crackdown on monks and other pro-democracy protestors last year.
There is also Shabab 6 of April, which has emerged as Egypt's largest pro-democracy youth group, and Invisible Children, which spotlights atrocities committed by the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda, Glassman said.
Others include Fight Back, which fights domestic violence in India, the Save Darfur Coalition, as well as One Million Voices Against Crime in South Africa , said Jared Cohen, from the secretary's policy planning staff.
Also attending will be People's March Against Knife Crime from Britain and Young Civilians from Turkey.
Cohen said Young Civilians is a human rights and pro-democracy organization which works online but has brought thousands of protestors into the streets of Turkey.
Glassman said the State Department is providing about 50,000 dollars in order to help bring delegates from the groups to the United States.
Among the speakers will be actress Whoopi Goldberg and a co-founder of Facebook .
So we can see that BHusseinO is getting his Gestapo Youth Corps rolling even prior to taking office.
Not that it's a real problem as it sits, it just shows to what lengths the government will go to control us, to find who will be the dissidents, the rabble rousers, the first targets of the JBT's (amazing the lingo I've learned the last few months!).
And then there's this >What a Single Nuclear Warhead Could Do - from the Wall Street Journal, of all places. Seems like BH's rats are attempting to leave a sinking ship.
Of course, what is news we don't always hear about in American media? Try this>RIA Novosti - World - Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S. If this doesn't curl your hair and make you want to prep harder... you're hard.
Keep your powder dry, Folks. And prep harder- another thousand rounds won't break your heart any more than will eating beans once a week.
Bless God, God bless,
Monday, November 24, 2008
Bailing out...
Lemme see if I have this right...
So far we've bailed out banks
and insurance companies. Car
companies are asking for lots
of cash now. Glenn Beck had a
blurb about television networks
wanting some bailout. Who's next? The grocery industry? Drug companies? There is no end in sight. And when is the Public going to be bailed out? (I know: rhetorical question so don't answer it.)
If you have any, hide your money- otherwise it will be spread around. The best way to spread your own wealth on your own terms is to hire people to work for you. But of course, you knew that already.
Take your kids out of public school. Schools are going to become nothing but Marxist pressure cookers. They're already socialist indoctrination centers. Have you any idea what they're teaching in kindergarten these days, much less high school? Better find out.
If you're Joe the Plumber, hide. Quickly. Otherwise your life for the next four years will be a living hell. Obama supporters have demonstrated they like to retaliate, so you're not safe.
Buy guns and ammunition. Especially ammunition. The tools necessary for self-defense and to keep our government under at least a modicum of control are going to quickly become unavailable. Perhaps not banned outright – that would cause riots – but the taxes on these tools of self-reliance will be raised so high that the effect will be the same.
Don't surrender to guilt. Opposing the new world order coming your way is not selfish. The "best interests of all" are code words for state slavery. "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" is the death of liberty and the definition of Marxism. Duh.
Stockpile some resources, because it's only a matter of time before our terrorist enemies (who are delighted with the outcome of the election) will launch something nasty our way. Terrorists love weak or untried rulers because they prefer to strike vulnerable targets. We just bared our throats.
Move. Whatever your political affiliation, it's always best to live in a place with like-minded people. Just make sure the place you move to has people whose concepts of liberty agree with yours.
Start looking for other news sources, because it's very likely that your favorite conservative radio talk-show host will go out of business once the (ahem) "Fairness" Doctrine gets re-implemented.
Buy light bulbs. There is no possible way our new green president will lift the absurd imminent ban on incandescent light bulbs. Unless you want your home to look like the inside of a train station lavatory in 2012, you'd better stock up on incandescents while you can. (Obviously lights bulbs are a metaphor for all the "for your own good" changes that will be shoved upon us.)
Go to church. All the morals and values that we once cherished in this country – traditional marriage, sanctity of life, family values – are going to become so condemned that churches will be our only sanctuaries.
Strengthen your family, your community, your state. Obama has said that an economy is built from the bottom up. In that he is entirely wrong (poor people don't hire – only rich people do that). But liberty most certainly IS built from the bottom up. Start by strengthening yourself. Next, your family. Support your neighbors. Build your community. Get involved with your state. The days of sitting on your hands must be over.
Find another job. Or preferably, several. Don't give up your current job, of course, but as the economy continues to nosedive, it is best to cultivate your marketable skills and diversify your income sources. The more income irons you have in the fire, the better. (Learn a trade you can apply for cash/barter income- added edit.)
Never never never never trust that the upcoming administration will do anything in your best interest. If the government offers you something that seems too good to be true, assume that it is. Education, medical care, housing and other benefits are never free – they cost something down the line. And the cost is always freedom. Take warning.
Obviously this list barely scratches the surface. If you use your head, you can think of many more. But better hurry up. Change is coming, like it or not.
But the thing about "change" is that it can work both ways. The ordinary Joe Plumbers of this country can change, too – and it may not be in the direction the government will like.
Tough patooties. (Patrice Lewis, WNT Commentary)
Loving them and loving each other while being prepared to the best of our abilities and income is the best gift we can give our loved ones this Christmas.
Bless God, God bless, All.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Pledge of Allegiance
The Lord's Prayer
Are not allowed in most
Public schools anymore
Because the word 'God' is mentioned....
A kid in Arizona wrote the attached
NEW School prayer :
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks..
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong.
We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Ballistically Speaking...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
More food for the toilette...
This just passed yesterday (2 Feb 08) in the Senate. Obama and Hagel are the originators. If President Bush does not approve it, then Obama will have time after his coronation.
1) A $845 billion 13 year total plan to ship money to the UN, so they can send it to poor countries. That has worked well in the past hasn't it.
2) Banning "small arms and light weapons" around the world, because there can be no peace without disarming law-abiding folks. The criminals will just turn in their weapons out of the goodness of their hearts and for the public good, of course.
3) The US to be part of the Kyoto treaty, as well as others.
This is in response to the UN's Millennium Declaration, which states that the UN is “the indispensable common house of the entire human family, through which we will seek to realize our universal aspirations for peace, cooperation and development.”Glenn Beck's transcript of his talk on it is here.
The UN's Millennium Declaration calls for the following:
- "currency transfer tax"
- "tax on the rental value of land and natural resources"
- "royalty on worldwide fossil energy projection — oil, natural gas, coal"
- "fees for the commercial use of the oceans, fees for airplane use of the skies, fees for use of the electromagnetic spectrum, fees on foreign exchange transactions, and a tax on the carbon content of fuels"
- "U.N. Arms register" of all small arms and light weapons
- "peace education" covering "all levels from preschool through university"
- "political control of the global economy"
- goals call for implementing all U.N. treaties that the United States has never ratified, all of which set up U.N. monitoring committees to compromise American sovereignty
- eliminate the veto and permanent membership on the security council, which would put us on par with any 3rd world dictator, even though we (the taxpayers) pay the majority of the upkeep on the UN
- a standing UN Army
I don't know about any of you Wonderful People in ReaderLand know anything about this, but it just pisses me off that our soon-to-be CIC would commit this country to United Nations rule!
NOT to mention that- aha!- it includes, of course, gun control measures: the UN's idea of how civilians should be treated in the countries they dominate. And dominate they will. If there are still any people who don't think BHusseinO is going to try and take away their Constitutional rights, they're idiots (to be kind).
I agree he's going to have a difficult time of it, but if this kind of feces (I'm trying to clean up my language cuz I noticed a few ladies are reading) gets passed and UN troops in blue helmets are off-loaded onto American soil, how many are going to stand up and be counted?
Get the word out, Folks, contact all those elected officials who we know don't care about our wishes and let them know where you stand.
Then load your weapons and be ready to use them, cuz they're coming.
Bless God, God bless,
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Gun Control California Style
There are a lot who say "Gun control won't fly." I beg to differ. There are no ends to the ways lib democrats will go to cancel the Second Amendment.
If you doubt this, here's a look at recent California proposed legislation.
Introduced by State Assembly Member Kevin De Leon (D-45), Assembly Bill 2062 puts ammunition sales in the crosshairs. AB2062 would require that law-abiding gun owners obtain a permit to buy handgun ammunition and would impose severe restrictions on the private transfers of handgun ammunition. Applicants for a “permit-to-purchase” would be required to submit to a background check, pay a $35 fee, and wait as long as 30 days to receive the permit.
Under AB2062, it would be unlawful to privately transfer more than 50 rounds of ammunition per month, even between family and friends, unless you are registered as a “handgun ammunition vendor” in the Department of Justice’s database. Ammunition retailers would have to be licensed and store ammunition in such a manner that it would be inaccessible to purchasers. The bill would also require vendors to keep a record of the transaction including the ammunition buyer’s name, driver’s license, the quantity, caliber and type of ammunition purchased, and right thumbprint, which would be submitted to the Department of Justice or the number of his handgun ammunition purchase permit. Vendors would be required to contact the purchase permit database, to verify the validity of a permit before completing a sale. All ammunition sales in the State of California would be subject to a $3 per transaction tax. Lastly, mail order ammunition sales would be prohibited. Any violator of AB2062 would be subject to civil fines.
My point here being that it isn't the firearms that have to be banned. Since such would cause quite a ruckus, if not a war, the libs in B Hussein O's cabinet will do all they can to insure there is no way for the civilian populace can fight back. They know that without ammunition, guns are expensive and cumbersome paperweights. So all those doubting loss of our Second Amendment better wake up and smell the coffee.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
This is probably old news to many but bears a repetition on every gun owner blog in the country. When checking it out, go to the progress of this legislation, note who sponsored it and the co-sponsors. Then tell me Obama's not going to get it passed. If you own a firearm you are going to be under scrutiny- and don't believe ATF doesn't have a list of who owns what. If you do, I have some seashore in Nevada to sell you, cheap.
P.E. Hussein has stated multiple times his intent to make a weapons ban his first priority. Couple this with his V.P.E.'s statements about being tested within six months of taking office and his decision 'seeming to be wrong and needing the continued support of his people', and the goal is obvious.
Can you spell 'U.N. intervention'?
He hasn't even taken office yet and I'm sick of this guy. He bodes no good will toward America or any of its inhabitants. Color me paranoid if you want- who really cares. Just get us out of the U.N. and get the U.N. out of America.
Bless God, God bless.