Friday, April 16, 2010

Spirit of '76- Part One: Pix

With the Headwaters of the Great Lakes as backdrop, area Patriots met in Duluth to make our voices heard on Taxation Without Representation.
Patrick Henry greeted attendees.

What it was about and who was in attendance.

There were more flags than "protest signs", which actually worked better because of the 20mph wind coming off the bay.

Usually reserved people listened attentively to the speakers state our aims and goals, the desires of all who came.

Although an anti-abortion message, this flag has a double-entendre in telling who is now charged with paying the bills this country has amassed.

Who this rally really represents.
As usual, click pix to see larger size. In part two will be my thoughts on the Tea Party Rally.
Bless God, God bless.

1 comment:

I believe in the First Amendment and so should you. Speak your mind and piss on political correctness!