Saturday, July 17, 2010

Don't this just BURN your ass?

As usual, Catman is on top of things, and has something to say...
"...They control the law, law enforcement, and every branch of government. They're just laughing at us and rubbing our faces in it. They've carried out a coup d'etat without firing a shot, and they're counting on the fact that Americans continue to respect and adhere to the concept of law..."
Watch and listen, think about it, and go see what the Catman has to say.

Next, the song that caused my Lovely Lady decide she enjoys country music...



  1. Barry Soetoro should be IMPEACHED and DEPORTED, but the cockroaches in CONgress will never do it. Slick Willie got impeached for a BJ, but Barry skates on FRAUD?! Brought to you by "political correctness"... BTW, I sent that song to everyone on my list. Thanks Shy...

  2. Yep,total bullshit this man should not be president.There were several court cases but I guess the judges pussied out or were paid off?



I believe in the First Amendment and so should you. Speak your mind and piss on political correctness!